
NUCA, U.S. Shoring host Live Trench Training

  More than 350 contractors attended NUCA’s Live Trench Training in September in Southlake, Texas. U.S. Shoring & Equipment Co. demonstrated a live bore pit featuring Pacific Shoring trench boxes and a Barbco 30/250 bore machine.   U.S. Shoring also provided instruction on trench box installation and best practices of how to work safely inside of a trench box. OSHA representatives were also in attendance to provide direction on proper safety practices as well.     “This live training is a paramount opportunity within our industry because it brings together both contractors and OSHA officers in a controlled environment to both learn and ask questions of the OSHA representatives in a neutral and non-invasive environment,” said U.S. Shoring General Manager Slate Westbrook.  

U.S. Shoring participates in TTC Boring School

  U.S. Shoring & Equipment Co. participated in the Trenchless Technology Center’s (TTC) fourth annual Auger Boring School which took place in October at Louisiana Tech University’s Barbera Education, Research & Training (BERT) Center.   Along with Barbco, U.S. Shoring & Equipment Co. was an event sponsor. Employees were on hand to help teach contractors, engineers, superintendents, foremen, and more industry professionals the advantages, best practices, and emerging technology associated with auger boring.   "The TTC Auger Boring School allows us to be able to train new and existing auger bore contractors on the use of auger boring machines and trenchless technologies,” said U.S. Shoring General Manager Slate Westbrook. “The facility at Louisiana Tech gives us a controlled space to provide a hands-on training approach from start to finish on auger boring, steering heads, water levels, trench safety, and pilot tubing methods."  ...